What is a Manager? Definition, Levels, Roles, Duties, and Required Skills

manager definition

What is Manager?

A manager is a professional who takes responsibility to oversee all the organizational activities and ensure the achievement of desired organizational goals and objectives. The manager undertakes the managerial activities of the organization.

A manager is a crucial figure in an organization who is responsible for achieving desired goals. They perform various tasks like planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling to ensure productivity and improved performance.

Managers take on leadership roles, creating and leading teams of employees. They play a vital part in the success of an organization by effectively utilizing resources and employing their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Managers supervise activities and people within the organization, overseeing tasks and ensuring they are completed.

They act as a bridge between employees and high-level executives, facilitating communication and decision-making. In essence, managers coordinate efforts and allocate resources to accomplish organizational objectives.

Levels of Manager in Organization

In the workplace, there exist mainly three levels or types of managers. They are mentioned below:

Top-Level Manager

A top-level manager is a key figure who holds a high-ranking position in an organization. They have ultimate responsibility for setting and achieving strategic goals.

Their duties involve making critical decisions, providing guidance to other managers, and overseeing the overall direction of the company. Top-level managers play a pivotal role in shaping the organization’s vision, managing resources effectively, and ensuring its long-term success.

Middle-Level Manager

A middle-level manager is an important role in an organization, positioned between top-level managers and frontline employees. They oversee specific departments or teams and ensure smooth operations.

Their responsibilities include supervising employees, implementing strategies, coordinating tasks, and communicating with both higher-level management and frontline staff.

Middle-level managers need strong leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills to effectively balance organizational objectives and the needs of their teams.

Lower-Level Manager

A lower-level manager is an essential position in an organization, responsible for supervising day-to-day operations and frontline employees. They directly oversee tasks, provide guidance, and ensure work is completed efficiently.

Lower-level managers play a crucial role in implementing strategies and policies set by higher-level management. They require strong organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills to effectively lead their teams, resolve issues, and contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Roles and Duties of a Manager

With the managerial position, managers are entitled to perform required duties in the organization to effectively and efficiently achieve the desired goals. The following are some of the duties, roles, and responsibilities managers should perform.

Leadership and Team Management

A manager leads and guides their team, providing direction, support, and motivation. They foster collaboration and ensure everyone works towards the organization’s goals.

Hiring and Staffing

Managers are involved in the recruitment and selection process, identifying talented individuals who fit the team’s needs. They conduct interviews, assess candidates, and make hiring decisions.

Training and Development

Managers are responsible for training new employees, and equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. They also provide ongoing coaching and development opportunities to enhance their team’s capabilities.

Performance Management

Managers evaluate employee performance through regular assessments and feedback. They address performance issues, provide constructive guidance, and recognize achievements to drive continuous improvement.

Decision-making and Problem-solving

Managers make informed decisions based on available information, considering the potential impact on the team and organization. They handle complex problems, seeking creative solutions to overcome challenges.

Financial and Resource Management

Managers oversee budgets and resources allocated to their departments. They monitor expenses, optimize resource utilization, and ensure financial objectives align with the organization’s goals.

Communication and Liaison

Managers serve as liaisons, effectively communicating organizational matters to internal and external stakeholders. They establish strong relationships, representing the company’s interests and maintaining positive connections.

Planning and Goal-setting

Managers participate in strategic planning, setting departmental objectives aligned with the organization’s vision. They establish clear goals, create action plans, and monitor progress toward achieving desired outcomes.

Required Skills For Managers

The following are some of the essential skills, but not limited, you should consider if you want to become a good manager.


A good manager possesses strong leadership skills to guide and inspire their team toward achieving shared goals. They provide clear direction, delegate tasks effectively, and motivate employees to perform at their best.


Effective communication skills enable managers to convey information, listen actively, and foster open dialogue within their team. They ensure that messages are understood, encourage feedback, and promote a collaborative and supportive work environment.


Managers need the ability to analyze complex situations, think critically, and find practical solutions to challenges that arise. They assess problems, gather relevant information, evaluate options, and implement effective strategies to overcome obstacles.


Sound decision-making skills allow managers to weigh options, assess risks, and make timely and informed choices that benefit the team and organization. They consider different perspectives, gather input from stakeholders, and make decisions based on both data and intuition.

Emotional Intelligence

Being emotionally intelligent enables managers to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as empathize with and motivate their team members. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, show empathy, and handle conflicts and challenging situations with sensitivity.

Organizing Ability

Managers must have strong organizational skills to prioritize tasks, set goals, allocate resources effectively, and keep operations running smoothly. They establish clear processes, create efficient workflows, and ensure that projects and deadlines are effectively managed.

Conflict Resolution

Skilled managers can identify and address conflicts within the team, promoting a harmonious work environment and fostering collaboration. They listen to all parties involved, facilitate open dialogue, seek common ground, and find mutually beneficial resolutions.


The ability to motivate and inspire employees is crucial for managers to keep their team engaged, productive, and committed to achieving shared objectives. They recognize and appreciate their team’s efforts, provide regular feedback and recognition, and create a positive and motivating work environment.


Managers should demonstrate honesty, ethical behavior, and trustworthiness, setting a positive example and maintaining the team’s trust and respect. They uphold high ethical standards, adhere to company values, and act with integrity in all interactions.


Adapting to changing circumstances and being open to new ideas and approaches allows managers to navigate uncertainties and drive innovation within their team. They embrace change, encourage creativity, and adjust plans and strategies as needed to meet evolving business needs.

How To Become A Successful Manager?

An efficient manager is crucial in today’s business world to bring success to the workplace. To become a successful manager in today’s competitive 21st-century environment, consider the following steps:

Continuous Learning

Embrace a growth mindset and commit to lifelong learning. Stay updated with industry trends, technologies, and best practices through courses, workshops, and industry publications. Seek opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape.

Develop Strong Communication Skills

Effective communication is paramount. Hone your verbal, written, and nonverbal communication skills to convey ideas clearly, actively listen to your team, and foster open and transparent communication channels. Strive to be approachable, empathetic, and responsive to build strong relationships.

Foster a Collaborative Environment

Encourage collaboration and teamwork among your employees. Create a culture that values diverse perspectives, promotes knowledge sharing, and fosters a sense of belonging. Encourage innovation and empower your team members to contribute their unique ideas and solutions.

Cultivate Emotional Intelligence

Develop emotional intelligence to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as empathize with and connect with your team members. Cultivate self-awareness, practice empathy, and adapt your leadership style to different individuals, building trust and rapport within your team.

Embrace Technology and Data

Leverage technology tools and data analytics to drive informed decision-making. Embrace digital transformation and seek opportunities to leverage technology for improved efficiency, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. Use data-driven insights to assess performance, identify opportunities, and make strategic decisions.

Lead by Example

As a manager, your actions speak louder than words. Lead by example, demonstrating integrity, accountability, and professionalism. Display a strong work ethic, uphold ethical standards, and be transparent in your decision-making processes. Inspire and motivate your team through your actions and set a positive tone for the organization.

Manager: FAQs

Let’s look at frequently asked questions about managers.

What is a Manager?

A manager is a professional who undertakes the responsibility of overseeing organizational activities to make sure the desired organization’s goals are achieved.

What are the Levels of Managers?

Levels of managers include three: top-level, middle-level, and lower-level managers.

What are the Roles and Duties of Managers?

Roles and duties of managers include Leadership and Team Management, Hiring & Staffing, Training & Development, Performance Management, Decision-making & Problem-solving, Financial & Resource Management, Communication & Liaison, and Planning & Goal-setting.

What are the Skills of a Good Manager?

Essential skills of a good manager include Leadership, Communication, Problem-Solving, Decision-Making, Emotional Intelligence, Organizing Ability, Conflict Resolution, Motivation, Integrity, and Flexibility.

What are the Steps to Becoming a Good Manager?

Follow these six steps to become a good manager – Continuous Learning, developing strong Communication Skills, fostering a Collaborative Environment, cultivating emotional Intelligence, Embrace Technology and data, and Leading by Example.

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