6 Ps of Planning: Purpose, Philosophy, Promise, Policies, Plans, and Priorities

6 ps of planning

The 6 Ps of Planning

The 6 Ps of planning are Purpose, Philosophy, Promise, Policies, Plans, and Priorities. They define an organization’s direction, beliefs, strengths, and strategies.

Policies guide decision-making, plans set goals and actions, while priorities allocate limited resources. These elements work together to ensure effective goal achievement, aligning the organization and driving success.

Let’s understand these 6 Ps of Planning individually and their significance in the workplace.


At the heart of every plan lies a clear purpose. Purpose defines the reason for an organization’s existence. It’s the “why” behind its actions. For instance, a company’s purpose might be to innovate and create cutting-edge products.

Defining purpose brings focus and direction, guiding every decision and initiative. It ensures that efforts are aligned with a meaningful objective, making the organization’s journey purposeful and impactful.


Philosophy reflects an organization’s core beliefs and values. It’s the guiding principles that shape behavior and decisions. Philosophy can be about quality over quantity or ethical conduct over short-term gains.

A strong philosophy shapes the culture, influencing how employees interact, how products are developed, and how customers are treated. It acts as a compass, ensuring that actions are in harmony with the organization’s values.

Related: The 10 Principles of Planning


An organization’s promise is its commitment to stakeholders. It’s an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses based on knowledge and assumptions about the environment. By analyzing trends and forecasts, a promise is made about future actions and outcomes.

This promise is a pact with customers, employees, and partners – a commitment to provide value, maintain quality, and adapt to changes. Keeping this promise builds trust and credibility, fostering enduring relationships.


Policies are the guardrails that guide an organization’s actions. They provide a structured framework for decision-making. Policies exist across various domains – production, marketing, finance, and more. They ensure consistency and coherence in operations.

For example, a marketing policy might outline guidelines for customer engagement. Policies streamline processes, minimize ambiguity, and ensure that actions align with organizational goals.


Plans are the detailed roadmaps that lead to goal achievement. They outline specific objectives and the actions needed to attain them. Plans break down complex goals into manageable steps, offering a clear path forward.

A plan can involve launching a new product, expanding into a new market, or improving customer service. Plans provide clarity, allocate resources effectively, and serve as a reference point for progress assessment.


In a world of limited resources, prioritization is key. Priorities determine where an organization focuses its efforts and allocates its resources. It’s about identifying high-impact goals and channeling resources toward them.

By setting priorities, an organization ensures that its most critical objectives receive the attention they deserve. Prioritization aligns activities, optimizes resource allocation, and enhances overall efficiency.

Read Next: Steps To Create An Effective Plan

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