Formal Vs. Informal Organization – 12 Differences [Explained]

Difference Between Formal and Informal Organization

Formal Vs. Informal Organization

Formal and informal organizations are two types of organizations that are prevalent in workplace settings. Formal organization refers to the organization which is officially established within the organizational structure.

On the other hand, the informal organization refers to an organization that is established in the organization without the consent of the top management.

Here we will explore the definition of informal and formal organizations, the differences between them, and the similarities between them.

What is Formal Organization?

A formal organization is a structured system established by senior management within an entity, outlining clear roles, communication flows, and hierarchical authority to achieve specific organizational objectives.

It operates through formal procedures, adhering to established policies and guidelines, promoting a rigid structure and decision-making process.

This organizational form emphasizes centralized authority, delineated roles, and systematic communication, fostering stability but potentially leading to disconnection from individual roles due to its stringent nature.

What is an Informal Organization?

An informal organization is an unstructured social system existing within a company, driven by shared attitudes, traits, or common work roles among members rather than formal policies.

It operates without prescribed rules, allowing for flexible communication and decision-making based on group consensus. This structure promotes adaptability and faster decision-making, yet may lead to decisions that don’t benefit the organization due to its less regulated and hierarchical nature.

Difference Between Formal and Informal Organization

Now, let’s differentiate between formal and informal organizations with their bases of differences:


Formal: Defined Framework – In a formal organization, the structure is well-defined, relying on established procedures, policies, and a hierarchical setup. Every member’s role, authority, and accountability are clearly outlined. This structured framework ensures clarity in responsibilities and helps in efficient coordination among members.

Informal: Organic Relationships – Conversely, informal organizations lack a rigid structure. They’re based more on attitudes, traits, and similar work roles among members without specific policies. The relationships and interactions within an informal organization are more organic, evolving naturally based on shared interests or social connections.


Formal: Top-down Communication – In formal organizations, communication flows in a top-down manner. It follows prescribed channels, often dictated by the hierarchy, where information and directives come from higher authorities and move downward. This structured communication style ensures compliance and clarity but might hinder flexibility.

Informal: Group Consensus – Conversely, communication in informal organizations relies on group consensus. There’s more freedom in how information is shared, with decisions and messages emerging from collective discussions. This style encourages open dialogue, fosters inclusivity, and allows for diverse viewpoints to shape decisions.

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Formal: Objective-Driven – Formal organizations operate with specific objectives aligned with organizational goals. Every activity, decision, and structure is oriented toward achieving these predefined objectives. The focus remains on productivity, efficiency, and fulfilling organizational mandates.

Informal: Social Satisfaction – In contrast, informal organizations cater more to social satisfaction and mutual support among members. While there might be goals, they’re often more generalized and revolve around fostering a positive work atmosphere, enhancing connection, and meeting social needs within the group.


Formal: Structural Rigidity – Formal organizations tend to be rigid due to their adherence to rules, policies, and predefined structures. This rigidity ensures consistency and compliance but might limit adaptability to changing situations or innovative approaches.

Informal: Flexibility and Adaptability – On the other hand, informal organizations thrive on flexibility. They’re adaptable to change, allowing for quick adjustments and responsiveness to emerging needs or opportunities. This flexibility encourages innovation and creative problem-solving.

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Formal: Hierarchical Authority – Authority in formal organizations is provided by the management and is often based on hierarchical structures. Decision-making power, direction, and control flow from top management downwards, following the established chain of command.

Informal: Group Dynamics – In informal organizations, authority emerges from the dynamics within the group. Decisions and influence are distributed across members based on mutual understanding, shared values, or influential personalities, rather than predefined roles or titles.


Formal: Methodical but Time-Consuming – In a formal setup, decision-making involves hierarchical processes. This structured approach, while methodical, can be time-consuming as decisions need approval from higher authorities. This system ensures compliance but may hinder agility in fast-paced environments.

Informal: Speedy yet Collaborative – Contrastingly, informal organizations make decisions swiftly based on group consensus. The absence of hierarchical protocols enables quicker decisions, leveraging collective input. However, this agility might compromise thorough consideration or overlook critical perspectives.

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Role Awareness

Formal: Clear Role Definition – In formal organizations, members are clear about their assigned roles and responsibilities. Clear delineation ensures efficiency and accountability, preventing overlap or confusion in task execution.

Informal: Ambiguous Role Boundaries – In contrast, informal setups might lack explicit role definitions, leading to ambiguity. Members might take on multiple roles, but this flexibility can create confusion or conflict regarding responsibilities.


Formal: Structured Supervision – Formal organizations often involve direct supervision by managers or leaders. This structured oversight ensures compliance, maintains standards and supports skill development.

Informal: Limited Formal Supervision – In informal settings, formal supervision is lacking, allowing greater independence among members. While this autonomy fosters creativity and innovation, it can sometimes lead to inconsistency or deviations from organizational goals.

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Guidelines for Communication

Formal: Prescribed Communication Protocols – In formal organizations, prescribed communication guidelines exist, ensuring clarity and professionalism. Formal channels facilitate proper dissemination of information but might hinder open dialogue.

Informal: Organic Communication – Conversely, informal organizations foster organic communication without specific guidelines. This relaxed approach encourages open dialogue, promotes inclusivity, and facilitates rapid information sharing. However, it might sometimes lack professionalism or structure.


Formal: Structured Stability – Formal organizations, due to their structured processes, are less adaptable to changes. The established systems prioritize stability and adherence to policies, which might limit agility in responding to dynamic environments.

Informal: Agile Responsiveness
In contrast, informal organizations, with their flexible nature, adapt swiftly to changing circumstances and needs. This adaptability enables quick adjustments, innovative solutions, and better responsiveness to emerging challenges.

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Disconnect from Roles

Formal: Potential Disengagement – In formal setups, there’s a risk of members feeling disconnected from their roles due to strict adherence to predefined responsibilities. This disconnect might affect motivation and employee engagement.

Informal: Ambiguity and Misunderstandings – In informal structures, roles may lack clarity, leading to misunderstandings about responsibilities. While flexibility is a benefit, this ambiguity could create conflicts or gaps in task ownership.

Decision Quality

Formal: Deliberate but Slow – Formal organizations prioritize well-considered decisions, ensuring thoroughness and accuracy. However, the hierarchical processes might slow down the decision-making, affecting agility.

Informal: Quick yet Varied Quality – Conversely, informal setups facilitate quick decisions. However, the quality might vary due to the absence of formalized processes, potentially resulting in inconsistent outcomes.

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Similarities Between Informal and Formal Organization

Despite their distinct structures, formal and informal organizations share certain commonalities:

Shared Objective

Both types of organizations aim to achieve goals, albeit through different means. While formal organizations align with specific company objectives, informal ones focus on social and psychological fulfillment for their members.

Group Dynamics

Both settings involve social interactions and networks. Formal organizations foster teamwork within defined structures, while informal ones rely on interpersonal connections, creating a sense of community.

Collective Collaboration

Both models facilitate collaboration. Formal organizations encourage teamwork based on assigned roles, whereas informal ones promote collective decision-making through consensus, leveraging the strengths of group dynamics.

Support Systems

Both settings offer support mechanisms, albeit in different ways. Formal organizations provide professional guidance and supervision, while informal ones offer emotional support and friendship among peers, fostering a positive work environment.

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